The Dukes of Hazzard is an American action-comedy series that aired from 1979 to 1985. The show revolves around cousins Bo and Luke Duke, who live in rural Georgia and are on probation for moonshine-running. The Duke Boys are armed with bows and arrows and clever plans to outwit a corrupt sheriff and greedy rich city slickers. They are often caught in the middle of escapades and incidents, evading the corrupt county commissioner Boss Hogg and his bumbling and corrupt sheriff, Rosco P. Coltrane. The Duke Boys' adventures frequently involve breaking the law, including reckless driving, vigilantism, and bootlegging.
Characteristics | Values |
Committing crimes | Bootlegging, reckless driving, vigilantism |
Probation terms | Not allowed to own guns, not allowed to leave Hazzard County |
Inability to follow probation terms | Varied from episode to episode |
Use of weapons | Bows and arrows, dynamite-tipped arrows |
Criminal associates | Corrupt sheriff, county commissioner |
What You'll Learn
Bo and Luke Duke were on probation for illegal transportation of moonshine
Bo and Luke Duke were on probation for the illegal transportation of moonshine. In the show, the two cousins live in rural Georgia and are known as the "Duke Boys". Their probation prevents them from owning guns, so they are armed with bows and arrows and clever plans to outwit the corrupt sheriff and greedy rich "city slickers". The Duke Boys drive a customised 1969 Dodge Charger, nicknamed the General Lee, which became a symbol of the show.
Bo and Luke's probation terms vary from episode to episode. Sometimes it is implied that they would be jailed for crossing the county or state line, while in other episodes, they are shown to be able to leave Hazzard as long as they return within a certain time.
The Duke Boys' probation was a result of a plea bargain made by their uncle, Jesse Duke, with the U.S. government. Jesse agreed to refrain from distilling moonshine in exchange for Bo and Luke's freedom. Moonshine is a term used for high-proof distilled spirits that are generally produced illicitly. The word "moonshine" is believed to be derived from the term "moonrakers", which was used for early smugglers and the clandestine nature of the operations of illegal distillers.
Despite their probation, Bo and Luke often find themselves in escapades where they must outrun the law. In one episode, Bo and Luke are framed for stealing money intended for the orphanage. In another, they are framed for robbing stores and must clear their names and outrun their uncle, who has been appointed acting sheriff.
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The Duke boys were forbidden from stepping outside of Hazzard County
The Duke boys, Bo and Luke, were forbidden from stepping outside of Hazzard County as part of their probation terms. They were previously sentenced to probation for the illegal transportation of moonshine. Their uncle, Jesse Duke, made a plea bargain with the U.S. government to refrain from distilling moonshine in exchange for Bo and Luke's freedom.
As a result, Bo and Luke were not allowed to carry firearms and were forbidden from leaving Hazzard County unless they received permission from their probation officer, Boss Hogg. The terms of their probation varied from episode to episode. In some episodes, it was implied that they would be jailed for crossing the county or state line. In others, it was shown that they could leave Hazzard as long as they returned within a certain time frame.
The Duke boys drove a customised 1969 Dodge Charger, nicknamed the General Lee, which became a symbol of the show. They used their car to race around Hazzard County, evading the corrupt county commissioner, Boss Hogg, and his bumbling and corrupt sheriff, Rosco P. Coltrane.
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The Duke boys were not allowed to carry firearms
The Duke boys, Bo and Luke, were not allowed to carry firearms as a result of their probation. The cousins were sentenced to probation for the illegal transportation of moonshine. Their uncle, Jesse, made a plea bargain with the U.S. government to refrain from distilling moonshine in exchange for Bo and Luke's freedom.
As a result of their probation, the Duke boys were not allowed to carry firearms. Instead, they used compound bows, sometimes with arrows tipped with dynamite. They were also not allowed to leave Hazzard County unless they got permission from their probation officer, Boss Hogg. The details of their probation varied from episode to episode. Sometimes it was implied that they would be jailed for crossing the county line, while in other episodes, it was shown that they could leave Hazzard as long as they returned within a certain time.
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The Duke boys drove recklessly
The Duke boys, Bo and Luke, drove recklessly all over Hazzard County in their customised 1969 Dodge Charger, known as the General Lee. Due to the terms of their probation, they were not allowed to leave Hazzard County, which may explain why they were often seen "screeching around the place".
The Duke boys' driving was characterised by car chases, jumps and stunts. The General Lee was often airborne during a jump, with Bo, the usual driver, letting out a "rebel yell" of "Yeeeee-haaa" as the car took flight. The Duke boys were also known for sliding across the hood or roof of the General Lee to get into the car, as the doors were welded shut.
The Duke boys' driving was not always legal, and they were frequently chased by the bumbling and corrupt Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane and his deputies. The Duke boys would usually outwit the sheriff and his deputies, often by outdriving them, and would end up "caught in the middle of various local escapades and incidents".
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The Duke boys engaged in vigilantism
The Duke boys, Bo and Luke, are often framed for crimes they did not commit. In one such instance, they are framed for stealing TV sets from stores. Bo and Luke must clear their names, and outrun their uncle Jesse, who has been appointed acting sheriff, at the same time.
In another instance, Bo and Luke are framed for stealing a car. They are arrested and put in jail, but Daisy helps them escape from the patrol car. They speed home to try to inform the townsfolk, escaping the Atlanta Police, and the Georgia State Patrol.
In both instances, the Duke boys engage in vigilantism by taking the law into their own hands to clear their names. They do not wait for the legal system to clear their names but instead take matters into their own hands, which involves breaking the law.
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Frequently asked questions
Yes, Bo and Luke Duke were on probation for the illegal transportation of moonshine.
No, as a result of their probation, Bo and Luke were not allowed to carry firearms.
Bo and Luke Duke were not allowed to leave Hazzard County unless they got permission from their probation officer, Boss Hogg.
Yes, Bo and Luke Duke drove recklessly all over Hazzard County.
Yes, Bo and Luke Duke engaged in various acts of vigilantism.