According to the Bible, sin is defined as any thought, word, or deed that breaks God's law by omission or commission. God's law, as revealed in the 66 books of the Bible, is the ultimate standard of what is good and right, and sin is considered a serious offence that can result in eternal punishment. While opinions vary on the severity of different sins, breaking God's law is considered an act of lawlessness and rebellion against God. The Bible also emphasizes the importance of obeying governmental laws, as they are established by God. However, Christians are advised to prioritize God's laws over human laws if there is a conflict between the two.
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Is breaking a minor law a mortal sin?
According to the Bible, sin is defined as any "thought, word, or deed that breaks God’s law by omission (not being or doing what God requires) or commission (doing what God forbids)". This means that any violation of God's standard is considered a sin in God's eyes.
However, it is important to note that the Bible also distinguishes between different types of sins, such as venial and mortal sins, with some sins considered more serious than others. For example, in James 2:10, it is stated that "Whoever keeps the whole Law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it". This suggests that breaking a minor law may not be considered a mortal sin, as it is not equally wrong to break all parts of the Law.
Additionally, in Matthew 5:19, Jesus acknowledges that some people who break minor parts of the Law will still enter heaven. This further indicates that breaking a minor law may not be considered a mortal sin.
When it comes to obeying human laws, the Bible provides guidance on this as well. Romans 13:1-5 states that Christians should submit to governing authorities and obey human laws as these authorities are established by God. However, there is also an allowance for Christians to disobey human laws if they contradict God's laws, as seen in Acts 4:18-19.
In summary, while breaking a minor law may not be considered a mortal sin according to the Bible, it is still considered a sin as it goes against God's standard. The Bible emphasizes the importance of obeying human laws unless they conflict with God's laws.
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Does God want us to obey the laws of our government?
There are differing opinions on whether God wants us to obey the laws of our government. Some people believe that God wants us to obey the laws of our government in all circumstances. This belief is based on the interpretation of certain Bible passages, such as Romans 13:1-7, which states:
> Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
According to this interpretation, disobeying the laws of the government is equivalent to disobeying God, as God is seen as the ultimate source of authority. This view emphasizes the importance of maintaining order and respecting the rule of law.
However, others argue that there are exceptions to this. For instance, if a law contradicts the Bible or God's commandments, then it is considered sinful and should not be obeyed. This belief is supported by Bible passages such as Acts 5:27-29, where the apostles chose to obey God rather than the governing authorities:
> 'We gave you strict orders not to teach in this Name,' he said. 'Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.' Peter and the other apostles replied: 'We must obey God rather than men'!
This interpretation suggests that while God generally wants us to respect and follow the laws of our government, there may be times when we need to prioritize obeying God's laws over those of our earthly government.
Additionally, some people believe that we have a moral duty to obey the government as long as its laws do not contradict God's laws. This view acknowledges the importance of submitting to authority for the sake of peace and order while also recognizing that there may be circumstances in which disobedience is justified.
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What does God define as a sin?
God defines sin in his revealed Word—the 66 books of the Bible. Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God and rebellion against God. It includes a failure to do what is right, and it offends people; it is violence and lovelessness toward other people.
Sin is also a condition in which the heart is corrupted and inclined toward evil. It is a power that enslaves any whom Christ has not liberated and leads to their death. It pervades the whole person; no sphere escapes, for the very heart of the sinner is corrupt.
Sin is also a positive force that moves and is moved by demonic and societal forces. It enters the heart, so that wickedness wells up spontaneously from within. Its stronghold is the all but instinctive tendency to put one's own interests and desires first. From the selfish heart comes rebellion, godlessness, cursing, lies, slander, envy, greed, sensuality, and pride.
Sin is against God, and it brings the death penalty. But God provides a way to have that penalty removed through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. When we accept Christ’s sacrifice and have our sins washed away through baptism, we then cease being slaves to sin and become slaves of righteousness.
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What is the punishment for sin?
Sin is defined by God in the 66 books of the Bible, and God alone can define sin because He is the ultimate standard of what is good and right. Sin is any thought, word, or deed that breaks God's law by omission or commission.
The punishment for the first man's sin and rebellion against God was death, as outlined in Genesis 2:17 and 3:19. However, the punishment from an infinite and eternal God would be an infinite punishment that would go on forever, in what is referred to as the "second death" or "hell".
God is holy and righteous, and He must punish sin. The Bible states that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). This death is not just physical but also eternal, and it is a real kind of death because only in communion with God can man truly live. This spiritual death is a result of being separated from God.
In addition to spiritual death, there is also suffering in this life as a result of sin. All suffering, including weakness, disease, distress, poverty, pain, sickness, and sorrow, entered the world as a punishment for sin. The harmony of life has been ruined, leading to competition and strife instead of peace.
Jesus taught that sinners will perish and go to hell if they do not believe in Him as their saviour. However, salvation or deliverance from sin's punishment is possible through Christ. This is called the "Gospel" in the New Testament, which means "good news". Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, proving that God accepted His payment for sin. By believing in the Gospel, sinners can be forgiven and avoid sin's punishment.
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Can ceasing to sin save you?
Sin is defined by God in the 66 books of the Bible. It is any thought, word, or deed that breaks God's law. God is the ultimate standard of what is good and right, and His revealed Word is the absolute source that defines sin for man.
While ceasing to sin is a worthy goal, it is not possible to be saved from God's wrath or attain salvation solely through one's efforts to stop sinning. This is because humans are inherently sinful and incapable of perfection. The Bible teaches that "all have sinned" (Romans 3:23) and that even a single transgression is considered breaking God's law.
The punishment for sin is death (Genesis 2:17, 3:19) and eternal punishment in hell (Romans 6:23). However, God, in His grace, provided a way for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Christ's sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to atone for the sins of humanity, and by believing in Him, people can be forgiven and saved (John 3:16-18).
While Christians are forgiven of their sins, they still struggle with sin in their daily lives. This is due to the ongoing presence of sin in the world and the human body's corruption by sin. Even with the best intentions, individuals often find themselves falling back into the same sins. This is because sin dwells within people and their bodies have been corrupted by it.
To overcome sin, individuals must rely on God's strength and not their own. They should abstain from fleshly lusts, fix their hearts on Christ, meditate on God's Word, and pray constantly. By doing so, they can find freedom from sin's power and experience true transformation.
In conclusion, ceasing to sin is not what ultimately saves a person. Rather, it is through faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross that individuals are saved and set free from the power of sin. While Christians strive to live a holy life, their salvation is secure in Christ, not in their own efforts to stop sinning.
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Frequently asked questions
According to the Bible, breaking any part of the law means you are guilty of breaking the whole law. However, this does not mean that all sins are equally wrong.
Mortal sins are those that can lead to a loss of salvation.
The Bible states that "Whoever keeps the whole Law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it." This means that breaking any part of the law is considered a sin, but the severity of the sin depends on the specific circumstances.
Yes, laws that go against God's laws are not considered sinful to break. For example, if a law required you to bow to an idol, it would not be a sin to break that law.