Speeding: Sinful Or Not?

is it sin to break law speed

Driving over the speed limit is considered a sin by many Christians, who argue that speeding is a form of rebellion against the governing authorities, which are established by God. This view is supported by Bible verses such as Romans 13:1-2 and 1 Peter 2:13, which emphasize obedience to authority. However, others argue that speeding is not inherently sinful unless it is done recklessly or with contempt for the law, as the primary concern should be safety rather than strict adherence to speed limits. Ultimately, the Christian perspective on speeding is influenced by the interpretation of biblical teachings and the specific circumstances involved.

Characteristics Values
Is speeding a sin? Yes
Is breaking the law a sin? Yes, unless the law contradicts God's law
Is jaywalking a sin? No
Is driving 1 mile over the speed limit a sin? No
Is driving a car at any particular speed a sin? No, it is not. Driving at 85, 95, or 105 MPH is not a sin in and of itself.


Speeding is a sin as per Romans 13:1-2

Speeding is a sin according to Romans 13:1-2, which states: "Let every [one/soul] be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves."

This passage makes it clear that Christians have a God-directed responsibility to obey the laws set by their government, unless those laws contradict God's Word. Speeding is breaking the law, and therefore can be considered sinful. By speeding, one is rebelling against the authority established by God and bringing judgment upon themselves.

The Bible provides guidance on how to live a righteous life, and speeding can be seen as a form of lawlessness, which is considered a sin. As followers of Christ, it is important to carefully consider our actions and how they reflect on our faith. Speeding can send the wrong message to those who know we are Christians and can be considered a form of hypocrisy.

Additionally, 1 Peter 2:13-15 further emphasizes the importance of submitting to earthly authorities: "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men... For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men." By speeding, we are disobeying the authorities established by God and missing out on the opportunity to demonstrate God's goodness to those who may be skeptical.

In conclusion, while speeding may seem like a minor offense, it is important to recognize that it is a sin as per Romans 13:1-2. We must strive to obey the speed limit laws set by our government, not only to avoid legal consequences but also to honor God and respect His authority.

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God wants us to obey the laws of the government

> "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."

This passage makes it clear that God has established governing authorities and that we, as Christians, have a responsibility to obey the laws they set, including speed limits. The only exception to this is when a law contradicts God's Word.

Similarly, 1 Peter 2:13 states:

> "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men...”

This reinforces the idea that we are to obey the government and its laws because God has instituted governments to maintain order in the world.

Furthermore, when we break laws, such as speeding, we are being lawless, and God calls this sin. As Christians, we should strive to obey the law, not only out of fear or guilt but because we love God and respect His authority.

Additionally, by obeying the speed limit, we set a good example for others, especially those who know we are Christians. Our actions can send a powerful message to those around us. If we are seen speeding and breaking the law, it can be seen as hypocritical and may negatively impact our witness to others.

In conclusion, God wants us to obey the laws of the government, including speed limits, as a way of showing our respect for His authority and as a way of maintaining order in society. While it may be tempting to justify our actions or compare them to other "bigger" sins, we must remember that God calls for us to be obedient to the laws He has established through governing authorities.


Breaking the law is being lawless and God calls it a sin

Breaking the law is being lawless, and God calls it a sin. This is a clear message from the Bible. In Romans 13:1-2, Paul writes:

> Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

This means that Christians have a God-directed responsibility to obey the laws that their government has established, unless those laws contradict God's word.

In 1 Peter 2:13-15, Peter writes:

> Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.

Therefore, when we break the laws of our government, we are being lawless, and God calls this a sin.

However, there is one exception. When a government violates God's law, God wants us to obey him and not the government. In Acts 4:18-19, Peter and John said:

> Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge.

So, while Christians are generally expected to follow the laws of their government, there may be occasions when breaking the law is necessary to remain obedient to God.

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Ignorance of the law is not an excuse

The principle of "ignorance of the law is not an excuse" is derived from Roman law and is known as ignorantia juris non excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not"). This principle holds that individuals are expected to be aware of and abide by the laws within their jurisdiction, even if they are not legal experts. While it may be unrealistic to expect everyone to memorise every law, it is generally assumed that people are familiar with commonly recognised wrongdoings, such as violence and dishonesty.

This principle is reflected in the Bible, in Romans 13:1-2: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." This passage suggests that obeying the governing authorities, including traffic laws such as speed limits, is aligned with God's will.

However, the sinfulness of exceeding the speed limit may depend on the circumstances. Driving slightly above the speed limit to keep up with traffic, for example, may be safer than strictly adhering to the limit. Nevertheless, having contempt for the law or believing that certain rules "do not apply to me" can be considered sinful attitudes. These attitudes may indicate underlying issues that, if left unchecked, could spread to other areas of an individual's life.

While ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse, it is important to note that the legal system and law enforcement officers can show mercy. Additionally, in criminal law, ignorance may be considered during sentencing, especially when the law is unclear or when the defendant sought advice from relevant authorities.

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Christians are forgiven for their sins

Christians believe that forgiveness for sins comes from God through faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross.

Christians are called to live a holy life, and while they are forgiven for all their sins—past, present, and future—they are asked to confess their sins to God as they commit them. This is not to earn forgiveness, but because God wants his followers to live a holy life.

The Bible states that "God forgives [sins] because [he] loves [people]", and that all [people's] sins are forgiven if they receive Jesus Christ as [their] saviour. Christians are instructed to live [their] lives out of gratitude for the salvation and forgiveness God has provided, and to avoid sin because [they] love God, not out of fear, guilt, or a desire to escape punishment.

The Christian doctrine of forgiveness is that "God has lifted the sentence of condemnation upon Christians for their sins through the death of Christ on their behalf and no longer counts them as guilty". This is necessary because, while God is just, all humans are guilty of sin. God is also merciful, and so he became the judge who was judged, and received the punishment for the guilt of humans, even though he was himself innocent.

Christians are instructed to submit to the governing authorities, as "there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God". Therefore, breaking the law is considered a sin, as it is being lawless and going against God's will. However, the Bible also states that Christians should obey God rather than men, and so the only time God does not want his followers to obey the governing authorities is when a government "violates God's law".

Frequently asked questions

Yes, speeding is a sin. The Bible says that "everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established". Therefore, breaking the speed limit is rebelling against God's authority.

The Bible does not mention speeding specifically. However, Romans 13:1-2 states that "everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities" and that those who rebel against the authority will bring judgment on themselves.

Christians are called to obey the governing authorities and the laws they institute, as long as these laws do not contradict God's Word.

Speeding can send the wrong message to others, especially if they know you are a Christian. It can be seen as a form of hypocrisy and can hinder your ability to spread the gospel of Christ.

Speeding can be dangerous and increase the risk of accidents. It can also be selfish and ignorant behaviour, as it may cause startle other drivers and cause them to feel pressured.

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