Breaking The Law: Sin Or Not?

is it sinful to break the law

Is breaking the law a sin? This question has been asked by many, and the answer is not always clear-cut. Generally, God expects us to follow the law, as He is the one who instituted governments and established authority figures. However, there are differing opinions on whether minor infractions, such as speeding or jaywalking, are considered sinful. Some argue that these actions are not immoral and therefore not sinful, while others believe that any form of law-breaking goes against God's will and is, thus, a sin. The Bible provides guidance on this matter, stating that we should submit to governing authorities and that God established these authorities and expects us to respect and obey them. However, the Bible also acknowledges that there may be times when obeying the law conflicts with obeying God, and in such cases, we are instructed to obey God rather than men. This concept of civil disobedience is further supported by the example of the apostles in Acts 5, who continued to teach about Jesus even after being arrested and told not to.

Characteristics Values
God's view on breaking the law Sinful
God's expectation of Christians To follow the law
God's role in government Institutor
God's will To obey the laws of the government
God's intention for Christians To submit to the government
God's exception When the government disobeys God


Sin is defined by God in the Bible

Sin is generally thought of as something bad, but what exactly constitutes sin? The Bible offers an answer to this question.

The biblical definition of sin is found in 1 John 3:4: "Sin is the transgression of the law" (King James Version). To sin is to transgress, or break, the law of God. The Greek word used by John for sin is "hamartia", which at its root means "a failing to hit the mark". Thayer's Greek Lexicon defines it as "that which is done wrong, committed or resultant sin, an offence, a violation of the divine law in thought or in act". Sin is also described as rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18).

The Bible tells us that all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and that sin leads to death (Romans 6:23). To avoid sin, it is essential to understand what it is. Sin can be understood as missing the goal or target, or even rebelling, rejecting, or ignoring God's standards. It is falling short of what God expects of us. Righteousness, the opposite of sin, is living within God's just and right standards.

The Old Testament, written in Hebrew, also provides insight into the meaning of sin. The Hebrew word for transgress is "abar", meaning "to cross over" or "turn away", while the Hebrew word for transgression is "pesha", which means "rebellion" or "revolt".

Sin is not limited to breaking the letter of the Ten Commandments, but also includes making decisions based on unfaithfulness to God and neglecting to do what is right.

While the Bible defines sin, it also offers a way to be set free from it through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. By accepting Christ's sacrifice and having our sins washed away through baptism, we can be freed from the eternal penalty of sin and gain the power to resist sinning.


God's law supersedes man's law

The idea that God's law supersedes man's law is a concept that is explored within the Christian faith.

Firstly, it is important to note that God wants us to obey the laws of the government. In 1 Peter 2:13-15, it is stated that:

> Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.

However, when a government's law conflicts with God's law, Christians are instructed to obey God's law and not the law of the government. This is demonstrated in Acts 4:18-19:

> Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard."

In the Bible, there are several examples of God's law superseding man's law. One example is when Daniel's three friends rebel against the King of Babylon's command to worship the golden image he had set up. They state their faith in God and refuse to worship the image, despite the King's threat to cast them into a "furnace of blazing fire".

Another example is when Jesus' apostles rebel against the Jewish Council's commandment to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. The apostles continue to preach the gospel, stating:

> We must obey God rather than men.

In conclusion, while Christians are generally instructed to obey the laws of the government, there are times when God's law supersedes man's law. This occurs when a government's law conflicts with God's commandments, and Christians are instructed to submit to God's Word and obey His laws.


Civil disobedience in the name of God

> "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard." Acts 4:19–20

This passage highlights the importance of prioritizing God's laws over human laws when the two conflict.

Examples of Civil Disobedience in the Bible

The Hebrew Midwives (Exodus 1:15-22)

The Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, defied the orders of Pharaoh, who commanded them to kill all male Hebrew babies. Instead, they chose to obey God and spared the lives of the babies, an act that was divinely approved and blessed by God.

Rahab (Joshua 2)

Rahab directly disobeyed a command from the king of Jericho to produce Israeli spies who had entered the city. Instead, she hid them and helped them escape, ultimately saving her own life when Joshua and the Israeli army destroyed the city.

Daniel's Friends (Daniel 3)

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar's idol, disobeying his command. As a result of their disobedience, they were thrown into a blazing furnace but were miraculously saved by God.

Peter and John (Acts 4)

Peter and John were arrested for preaching about Jesus and brought before the rulers. They boldly proclaimed that they must "obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29), choosing to follow God's command to spread His word over the human law that forbade it.

Guidelines for Civil Disobedience

While civil disobedience in the name of God is supported in certain circumstances, it is important to follow specific guidelines to ensure it is done in a biblically-aligned manner:

  • Christians should resist and work to change governments that command or permit evil, always using nonviolent means within the laws of the land.
  • Civil disobedience is permitted only when government laws directly contradict God's laws and commands.
  • If a Christian disobeys an evil government, they should accept the consequences of their actions unless they have the opportunity to flee.
  • Christians are permitted to work within the established laws to install new government leaders who align with God's teachings.
  • Christians are commanded to pray for their leaders and for God to intervene and change any ungodly paths they may be pursuing.

In conclusion, civil disobedience in the name of God is a complex and nuanced topic. While Christians are generally expected to obey the governing authorities, there are times when those authorities contradict God's laws. In such cases, Christians are called to stand firm in their faith, speak out against evil practices, and quietly and simply disobey, always prioritizing their obedience to God above all else.


God established governments

The Bible states that God establishes governments and that everyone must submit to the governing authorities. In Romans 13:1, it is written:

> Everyone must submit to the governing authorities. For no authority exists except by God, and the authorities that do exist have been established by God.

This passage indicates that all authority comes from God and that those in positions of power, whether they are presidents, senators, governors, or any other role, have been placed there by God. This idea is reiterated in 1 Peter 2:13-15:

> Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.

Paul, who wrote these words, lived under Roman jurisdiction when Nero was in charge. Nero was notorious for persecuting Christians, yet Paul still believed that he had been placed in power by God.

However, it is important to note that God's laws take precedence over the laws of governments. When a government's law violates God's law, God wants us to obey Him and not the government.

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Sin is lawlessness

The Bible states that "everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness". The Greek word for "lawlessness" is "anomia", which means "an utter disregard for God and His laws". This disregard for God's laws is a rejection of His authority and a denial of His right to rule over us.

However, it is important to note that God does not want us to blindly follow every law, especially when a law contradicts His commandments. For example, if a law instructed us to bow down to an idol, it would not be a sin to break this law as it goes against God's will.

In addition, not all sins are committed intentionally. Sometimes we are surprised by our own actions and discover that we have sinned without meaning to. Nevertheless, both intentional and unintentional sins make God unhappy, and it is important to confess and seek forgiveness for our sins.

Ultimately, sin disrupts God's order and leads to anarchy and chaos. It is only through belief in Jesus that our sins can be forgiven, and we can receive salvation.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, it is generally considered sinful to break the law. God established governments and expects people to follow the law and give them what they owe, such as respect and taxes.

It is acceptable to break the law when the government disobeys God. For example, in some places, it is illegal to have Bibles or churches, but Christians may choose to smuggle in Bibles or meet in illegal churches.

The Bible teaches that we are subject to the government and that every authority comes from God. However, it also provides an example of civil disobedience through Peter and the apostles, who continued to teach about Jesus even after they were arrested and told not to.

Breaking laws such as parking in a handicapped spot or speeding can be considered sinful as they go against loving your neighbour as yourself.

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