Consequences Of Breaking Jewish Law: Understanding The Impact

what happens if you break a jewish law

Jewish law, or halakhah, is a set of rules and practices that govern every aspect of life for observant Jews. The punishment for violating these laws has changed over the years, with modern Jewish communities leaving earthly sanctions behind in favour of divine punishment in the 'olam ha-ba' or world to come. The Torah outlines 613 commandments, or mitzvot, that observant Jews are expected to follow, but there are some instances in which these laws can be broken. For example, in the case of pikuach nefesh, which means 'saving a soul' or 'saving a life', it is acceptable to break certain laws if doing so would hinder the ability to save oneself or another person.

Characteristics of breaking Jewish law

Characteristics Values
Punishment In ancient times, punishment for breaking Jewish dietary laws included banishment, capital punishment, or a divinely imposed execution sometime before the age of 60. From the 17th to 19th centuries, some Jewish communities forced violators to stand in a large box outside the synagogue so that passers-by could spit at them.
Forgiveness According to the Talmud, believers are supposed to seek forgiveness for eating kosher food that they believed was non-kosher.
Leniency In life-threatening situations, Jewish law can be broken to save a life. This is known as pikuach nefesh.
Repentance Serious regret is the first component of teshuvah (repentance).


Breaking Shabbat

Shabbat, or Sabbath, is a weekly day of rest observed from Friday sunset to Saturday nightfall. During this time, all work is prohibited, even minor tasks such as gathering wood. Breaking Shabbat, or Shabbat desecration, is considered a sin and a breach of a holy day.

According to Mosaic Law, intentionally breaking Shabbat is a capital offence. However, since the decline of classical semicha (rabbinic ordination) in the 4th century CE, Jewish courts have lost the power to rule on criminal cases and enforce the death penalty. In modern times, people who consistently violate Shabbat are generally not considered reliable in certain matters of Jewish law.

There are 39 categories of prohibited activities on Shabbat, derived from the construction of the Biblical tabernacle. These include lighting fires, cooking, and carrying objects. Unwarranted violation of any of these precepts is termed chillul shabbat ("profanation of shabbat").

If someone unintentionally breaks Shabbat, it is important to channel feelings of regret into something positive. This can be done through teshuvah, or repentance, which involves taking responsibility for one's actions and pledging to not repeat the mistake. Additionally, reviewing the laws of Shabbat and performing charitable acts can help strengthen one's commitment to Shabbat.

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Torts and damages

In Jewish law, damages (Hebrew: נזיקין, nezikin) cover a range of jurisprudential topics that roughly correspond to secular law to torts. The law on damages is grounded in the Written Torah, the Hebrew Bible, and the Oral Torah, centred primarily in the Mishnaic Order of Nezikin. Rabbinic culture has interpreted the laws of damages through communal courts, judges, and enforcement.

Jewish law defines damages as any wrongful act, neglect, or default that causes legal harm to a person, property, or reputation. They usually give rise to some form of compensatory liability, though some exceptional damages may be prohibited without accompanying liability. There are important distinctions between damages caused by persons or by property, and between direct and indirect action. When people cause damage directly, they are covered by the rabbinic equivalent of either assault and battery, against another person, or trespass against another's property. When one's property causes damage, Jewish law may distinguish torts due to such factors as accidents, negligence, fault, or willful fraud.

The four "father categories" of damage are:

  • Where someone opens a pit into which an animal falls and dies (Ex. 21:33–4)
  • Where cattle trespass into the fields of others and do damage (Ex. 22:4)
  • Where someone lights a fire that spreads to neighbouring fields (Ex. 22:5)
  • Where an ox gores a man or beast (Ex. 21:28–32, 35–6)

The Talmud calls these the primary categories of damage, which serve as archetypes for similar groups of torts. The principal categories of animal torts are:

  • Shen (tooth) – where the animal causes damage by consuming
  • Regel (foot) – where the animal causes damage by walking in its normal manner
  • Keren (horn) – where the animal causes damage by goring with the intention of doing harm or does any other kind of unusual damage

The other principal categories of damage are:

  • Bor (pit) – any nuisance that causes damage
  • Esh (fire) – anything that causes damage when spread by the wind
  • Direct damage by man to another's person or property

The Talmud states that a man could be held liable only for damage caused by his negligence (peshi'ah), and not for damage through an accident (ones). Negligence is defined as conduct that the tortfeasor should have foreseen would cause damage. The rabbis ruled that negligence was to be determined objectively. A man is liable for conduct that people would normally foresee as likely to cause damage.

The law of damages also covers women, both as plaintiffs and defendants.

Miscellaneous Torts and Damages

Mesne profits: in the Mishnah and Talmud, the income derived from land unlawfully held by the possessor, for which he is answerable to the true owner when the latter recovers the land from him by the judgment of a court.

Unintentional Injury

Although "a man is always forewarned", meaning liable for his actions, asleep or awake, intentional or unintentional, there is an exception when the mischief is done on the ground of the injuring party. For what a man does within his domain, he is liable in damages only if it was done willfully; but he is not liable if done either unconsciously or under compulsion.

Slander and Insult

In ordinary assault and battery, an incidental insult or humiliation needs to be paid for separately. However, when there is only an insult and no physical assault, such as spitting at another person without reaching their body, there is no ground for recovery.



In Jewish law, self-injury is prohibited. In rabbinic Judaism, God is considered the creator and owner of human beings, who are seen as stewards of their own lives. As such, Jewish law places a high value on human life and the preservation of the living human body. This value is also applied to an individual's responsibility to themselves.

Jewish law forbids suicide and, generally speaking, self-mutilation. However, there are some circumstances in which people are allowed or even required to harm themselves. For example, in some cases, people must endanger themselves to save the life of another. As stated in Leviticus 19:16, "Do not stand idly by" when one's fellow is in harm's way. Similarly, Jewish medical ethics expect patients to make an effort to receive adequate medical care, even if it involves pain and risk.

Halakhah also recognises that people must expose themselves to some hazards to earn a living. For example, the Bible mentions hazardous work, and Talmudic literature sanctions jobs that require perilous sea crossings or caravan journeys.

Finally, as in Christianity and Islam, Judaism may permit self-injury in cases of theological or communal crisis, even to the point of martyrdom.



The Talmud also states that betrayers of fellow Jews "have no share in the world to come". This is reinforced by a story in Bava Batra 116a, which says that it is meritorious to kill an informer to put a stop to their "villainous trade".

In the medieval period, betrayal of Jewish law was one of the most odious of all torts.

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In modern times, Jewish communities have given up these earthly sanctions, leaving punishment to God in the olam ha-ba, or world to come. However, this shift may not be a positive development. Some Jewish philosophers considered corporal punishments to be gifts from God, as they could save people from more severe divine penalties.

In addition to humiliation, there are other consequences for breaking Jewish law. For example, according to the Talmud, believers are supposed to seek forgiveness even for eating kosher food that they thought was non-kosher. Additionally, some modern Jewish mystics believe that non-kosher foods stain or clog the soul, regardless of intent.

Frequently asked questions

If you accidentally break a Jewish law, the important thing is to channel your regret into something positive. You can do this by reviewing the laws you have broken, giving to charity, and pledging not to repeat the mistake.

The punishment for violating Jewish dietary laws has changed over the years. In ancient times, it may have involved banishment, capital punishment, or a divinely imposed execution before the age of 60. In the first millennium AD, people who broke these laws were beaten or flogged, and in the 17th to 19th centuries, violators were forced to stand in a large box outside the synagogue so that passers-by could spit at them. Today, modern Jewish communities tend to leave punishment to God in the "world to come".

Yes, the principle of pikuach nefesh states that the preservation of human life overrides virtually any other religious rule of Judaism. This means that, in the event that a person is in critical danger, most mitzvot become inapplicable if they would hinder the ability to save oneself or someone else. However, there are certain rules that may not be broken under any circumstances, including idolatry, forbidden sexual relations, and murder.

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