Clean Break Divorce: Uk Law Simplified

what is a clean break divorce in uk law

A clean break divorce in UK law refers to a clean break order, which is a type of financial consent order that severs all financial ties between the two parties. This means that neither party can make any further financial claims against the other, including claims for maintenance, lump sums, pension orders, or property. It provides financial certainty and independence, allowing both parties to move on with their lives without the fear of future financial claims. However, it is important to note that a clean break order does not cover child maintenance, which needs to be sorted out separately.

Characteristics Values
Definition A clean break order is a type of financial order that severs all financial ties between the two parties.
Who is it for? Couples who don't have children and don't share any assets.
When to apply After receiving a Conditional Order for a divorce (or decree nisi), the first stage of the divorce process.
Types Immediate clean break; Deferred clean break; Immediate clean break with future maintenance payments being capitalised.
Application process Both parties complete Form D81; Draft a Clean Break Order; Get the draft order signed by both parties; Complete Form A; Pay the court fee; Submit the paperwork.
Court approval The court may reject the application if it appears unfair or fails to meet the requirements.
Advantages Financial certainty and emotional closure; Avoids future claims; Allows independence and remarriage; Reduces legal costs.
Disadvantages Inflexibility; Potential for unfairness if assets are concealed.
Agreement between parties Both parties must agree; If not, apply to the court for a financial remedy order.
Overturning the order Only in exceptional circumstances, e.g. significant change in circumstances, error, fraud, lack of capacity, duress.
Child maintenance A clean break order does not affect child maintenance obligations.
Spousal maintenance A clean break order removes spousal maintenance obligations.
Legal representation Not a legal requirement but recommended due to the complexity of family law.


What is a clean break order?

A clean break order is a type of financial consent order that is used by individuals who have agreed to cut all financial ties between one another after divorce. This means that neither party can make any further financial claims against the other in the future.

A clean break order is a way to ensure that there will be no spousal maintenance payments, lump sums or claims on each other's pensions. It also means that there can be no further claims on property or other assets.

The main benefit of a clean break order is that it gives both parties certainty and finality. Once the clean break is triggered, neither party can make any further claims against the other's assets, regardless of any changes in their circumstances. This can be particularly beneficial if you expect your income or financial situation to change, for example, through inheritance or business success.

There are two main types of clean break order: immediate and deferred. An immediate clean break severs all financial ties immediately, whereas a deferred clean break will occur at a defined point in the future, such as when the youngest child turns 18 or when the financially dependent party has reached a position of financial independence.

To obtain a clean break order, both parties must agree to it. If an agreement cannot be reached, it may be necessary to go to court and have a judge make the decision. The court prefers a clean break order to prevent individuals from making future financial claims, and it can be a relatively quick and easy process if both parties have already agreed on a financial settlement.

While a clean break order provides financial certainty and independence, there are also some disadvantages. Once finalised, it is extremely difficult to change or undo, even if one party's financial situation changes suddenly. Additionally, there is a potential for unfairness if one party believes the other has not fully disclosed their assets.

A clean break order is typically best suited to couples who don't share any assets and don't have any dependent children together.


What are the advantages of a clean break order?

There are several advantages to a clean break order, which is a type of financial consent order that severs all financial ties between two parties.

Firstly, it provides financial certainty and emotional closure, allowing both parties to move forward with their lives. This is because a clean break order avoids future financial claims from either party. Without a clean break order, ex-partners can claim against each other's assets in the future, including lottery wins or inheritances.

Secondly, a clean break order allows both parties to enter new relationships or remarry without any ongoing financial obligations to their ex-spouse.

Thirdly, a clean break order can reduce legal costs by removing the possibility of protracted and costly legal proceedings in the future. Divorcing couples can spend thousands of pounds trying to get the best post-divorce financial settlement, so a clean break order can cut back on solicitors' fees and speed up the divorce process.

Additionally, a clean break order simplifies the process of organising your financial life following a divorce. It can be a simple way to cut financial ties and protect yourself from future claims on any windfall, business success, or inheritance.


What are the disadvantages of a clean break order?

A Clean Break Order is a legally binding document that outlines the financial arrangements between divorcing parties, including the division of assets, spousal maintenance, child support, pension arrangements, and other financial responsibilities. While it offers clarity and finality, there are some disadvantages to this type of order.

One key disadvantage of a Clean Break Order is its inflexibility. Once finalised, it is extremely difficult to change or undo, even if one party faces financial difficulties or a sudden change in circumstances. This lack of flexibility can lead to potential unfairness, especially if future financial prospects are not sufficiently considered during the initial agreement.

The process of obtaining a Clean Break Order can be complex and emotionally challenging, requiring the assistance of a qualified family law solicitor. Both parties must agree to the financial arrangements, which can be difficult if there are significant disagreements or complexities. Negotiation and mediation services may be required, adding time and cost to the process.

Furthermore, there is a potential for one party to feel that they did not receive a fair share of the assets or financial support. The finality of the Clean Break Order means that it is challenging to reopen the financial case or seek additional money, pension, or property from the other party.

Overall, while a Clean Break Order provides certainty and finality, it is important to carefully consider the potential disadvantages, including the loss of flexibility, the complexity of the legal process, and the potential for unfair financial outcomes.


Do both parties have to agree to a clean break order?

Clean break orders are a type of financial order that is implemented following a divorce or dissolution. It ensures that all financial ties between both parties are severed, and neither party can make any further financial claims against the other in the future.

While it is better if both parties agree to a clean break order, it is not necessary. If one party disagrees with the clean break order and refuses to sign it, the other party can apply to the family court for an order. However, this can be a lengthy and expensive process and may not be worth the trouble.

There are alternative options to reach an agreement, such as mediation services, solicitor-to-solicitor negotiation, and collaborative divorce. These options can help both parties reach an agreement without having to go to court.

If all else fails, the court can decide on behalf of both parties. This involves making a full financial disclosure and attending court hearings, which can be a longer process.

Advantages of a clean break order

A clean break order provides financial certainty and emotional closure, allowing both parties to move forward with their lives independently. It also avoids future financial claims and reduces legal costs by removing the possibility of protracted and costly legal proceedings.

Disadvantages of a clean break order

Once finalised, a clean break order is extremely difficult to change or undo, even if there is a significant change in circumstances. It can also be potentially unfair if one party believes the other is concealing assets.

A clean break order is typically considered when one or both parties want to protect themselves against future financial claims after divorce or separation. It is most suitable for couples who haven't been married long and don't have shared assets, children, or financial dependence on each other.

Types of clean break orders

There are two main types of clean break orders: immediate and deferred. An immediate clean break severs all financial ties immediately, while a deferred clean break stipulates that the parties will no longer have financial commitments to each other at a defined point in the future.

How to apply for a clean break order

To obtain a clean break order, both parties must complete Form D81, providing information about their financial situation. A draft clean break order is then prepared and signed by both parties. One party completes Form A, giving notice of the intention to apply for a financial order, and pays a court fee of £53. The paperwork is then submitted to the court for approval.

Alternatives to a clean break order

A consent order is a formal record of a financial agreement made by divorcing couples, which can be more flexible and include a clean break clause to protect future finances.


How do you get a clean break order?

To obtain a clean break order, there are several steps that you need to take. Here is a guide on how to navigate the process:

Firstly, you must identify whether a clean break order is suitable for your situation. This type of order is typically sought when a couple has already divided their assets and agreed on a settlement, and they want to ensure that there are no future financial claims between them. It is important to understand that a clean break order severes all financial ties between you and your ex-partner, so it is best to seek legal advice to ensure this is the right decision for you.

The next step is to gather all the relevant information and documentation. This includes marriage certificates, proof of income, details of any children involved, and information about your assets and debts. You will also need to provide evidence of your attempts to reach a financial agreement with your ex-partner. This could include correspondence between you and your ex-spouse, as well as any mediation efforts that took place.

Once you have gathered the necessary information, you can apply for a clean break order. In England and Wales, this is done through the courts by filing a Form A, along with your completed Form E financial statement. There is a fee for this application, but you may be eligible for a reduction or exemption depending on your financial situation. It is important to ensure your forms are completed accurately and honestly, as providing false or misleading information can have serious consequences.

After your application has been processed, a court date will be set. Both you and your ex-partner will usually be required to attend this hearing, and it is advisable to seek legal representation. The court will consider your application and the evidence provided, and they may ask questions to clarify any details. If the court approves your application, they will grant a clean break order, severing all financial ties between you and your ex-spouse.

It is important to remember that obtaining a clean break order does not necessarily mean that you will have no future contact or communication with your ex-partner, especially if children are involved. It solely relates to financial matters, and you will need to make separate arrangements regarding child custody and visitation rights if applicable.

By following these steps, you can obtain a clean break order, providing you and your ex-partner with financial certainty and closure following your divorce. It is always recommended to seek legal advice to ensure you understand your rights and options throughout the process.

Frequently asked questions

A clean break divorce is a type of financial consent order that severs all financial ties between the divorcing parties. This means neither party can make any future financial claims against the other regarding money, property, or assets.

Yes, both parties must agree to a clean break divorce. If one party does not agree, they can attempt to resolve the issue through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. If this fails, they can apply to the family court for a financial remedy order, where a judge will decide on the financial division.

A clean break divorce provides financial and emotional closure, allowing both parties to move forward with their lives independently. It also avoids future financial claims and reduces the potential for costly and protracted legal proceedings.

A clean break divorce can be inflexible, making it difficult to change or undo the order if circumstances change. There is also a potential for unfairness if one party believes the other has not fully disclosed their assets.

Yes, but only in exceptional circumstances, such as a significant and unforeseen change in circumstances or evidence of fraud or mistake during the divorce settlement process.

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