In Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece, Trafalgar Law becomes a Shichibukai, or one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, after being held responsible for an event known as the Rocky Port Incident, in which he sent the hearts of one hundred pirates to the World Government. This incident also caused significant damage to Rocky Port and helped Blackbeard usurp control of Hachinosu from Ochoku. As a result, Law's bounty increased to 440,000,000 before it was frozen due to his Warlord status.
However, Law's status as a Shichibukai is revoked by Admiral Fujitora when he forms an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates, as this is not permitted for a warlord.
Characteristics | Values |
Reason for becoming a Shichibukai | To make it easier to target Doflamingo |
To be able to move freely | |
To be able to put together a plan to take down Doflamingo without being bothered by the Marines | |
How he lost his title | He formed an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates, who are wanted criminals |
What You'll Learn
To move freely and target Doflamingo
Trafalgar Law's primary motivation for becoming a Shichibukai was to move freely and target Donquixote Doflamingo. He wanted the ability to travel without being bothered by the Marines. This freedom of movement would allow him to put together a plan to take down Doflamingo, who was once Law's superior.
Law's plan to defeat Doflamingo involved several steps, including capturing Caesar Clown and disrupting the production of SAD and SMILEs in Dressrosa. Law's actions led to the destruction of the SMILE factory and the capture of Caesar, who was crucial to Doflamingo's operations.
However, Law's plans were ultimately thwarted by Doflamingo, who revealed that he had been monitoring the situation and was always one step ahead. Despite Law's best efforts, including forming alliances and using his Devil Fruit powers, he was defeated by Doflamingo and his associates.
Law's pursuit of Doflamingo was driven by a desire for revenge, as Doflamingo had killed Corazon, Law's mentor and a former top executive of the Donquixote Family. Law was willing to risk his life to make Doflamingo pay for what he had done.
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To put together a plan to take down Doflamingo without being bothered by the Marines
Trafalgar Law's plan to take down Doflamingo without being bothered by the Marines was likely facilitated by his status as a Shichibukai.
Law's plan to take down Doflamingo was multi-faceted and began with his alliance with Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. This alliance was formed with the explicit purpose of taking down one of the Four Emperors, Kaido, and disrupting Doflamingo's rule over the criminal underworld.
Law's status as a Shichibukai, or one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was likely a strategic move to gain greater freedom of movement and avoid interference from the Marines while putting together his plan to take down Doflamingo. By becoming a Shichibukai, Law was able to move more freely and target Doflamingo more easily without attracting the attention of the Marines.
However, Law's Shichibukai status was revoked by Admiral Fujitora during the Dressrosa arc when it was revealed that he had formed an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates, who were wanted criminals. Despite this setback, Law continued with his plan to take down Doflamingo, which ultimately proved successful.
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To be able to do his agenda without being bothered by the Marines
Trafalgar Law's status as a Shichibukai allowed him to move freely and assemble his plan to take down Donquixote Doflamingo without being bothered by the Marines.
Law's plan was to target Doflamingo, and he needed the ability to move freely while putting together his plan. By becoming a Shichibukai, Law was able to gain this freedom of movement. This allowed him to gather the hearts of one hundred pirates and send them to the World Government, leading to him acquiring the status of Warlord of the Sea.
However, Law's status as a Shichibukai was revoked when he formed an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates, as this was not something a warlord was permitted to do. Despite this, Law's plan was ultimately successful, and he was able to defeat Doflamingo.
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To be allowed to stay on Punk Hazard
Trafalgar Law's status as a Shichibukai allowed him to stay on Punk Hazard without getting into trouble with the Marines. The island was off-limits, but Law's status as a government official meant he would get "less flak" if found.
Law's stay on Punk Hazard was part of an agreement with Caesar Clown. In exchange for allowing Law to stay on the island, Law gave his heart to Caesar.
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To be closer to Joker
Trafalgar Law's primary reason for becoming a Shichibukai was to get closer to Donquixote Doflamingo, also known as "Joker". Law was once a member of the Donquixote Pirates, but defected after Doflamingo murdered his older brother, Corazon, who had saved Law's life by giving him the Op-Op Fruit. Law's goal was to exact revenge on Doflamingo, and becoming a Shichibukai allowed him to get closer to his former captain.
Law's plan was to use his position as a Shichibukai to force Doflamingo to resign from his own position. To do this, Law took Caesar Clown hostage, as Caesar was integral to Doflamingo's SMILE trade with Kaido. Law knew that Doflamingo would be forced to resign from his position as a Shichibukai if he wanted to continue his partnership with Kaido.
Law's plan was ultimately successful, and Doflamingo was forced to resign from his position as a Shichibukai.
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Frequently asked questions
Trafalgar Law became a Shichibukai to further his own agenda without being bothered by the Marines.
Trafalgar Law lost his title of Shichibukai because he formed an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates, which is not something a Shichibukai can do.
The point of making Trafalgar Law a Shichibukai was to show that Luffy can make powerful allies to take down people like Doflamingo and to show that Luffy is a threat to the government.